Death of Spooky Part Two
As she listened to the thud of bullets strike the metal canisters that she hid behind, Jillian realized that the rain of bullets was...

Death of Spooky Part One
With a groan, Jillian crawled out of the driver’s side and slid to the ground. Pulling the revolver out of her purse, she ducked behind...

Rise of the Rat King Part 9
Within an hour’s time, Jillian’s alarm went off moments before Sonya began her descent. Yawning, Jillian stretched and looked at the time...

Rise of the Rat King 8.1
With a flash of white light, Sonya began reading the directions to Jillian. Turning on the road indicated, Jillian looked at the map...

Rise of the Rat King Part 8
The dark road weaved before her as the minutes counted down. Jillian didn’t quite know what she would face when she reached her final...
Rise of the Rat King Part 7
A few minutes later Jillian was speeding down the road, while hissing in the phone. “I want all hands on deck for this one. This is not a...

Rise of the Rat King Part 6
As Jillian raced down the corridor, she felt the heat gaining on her. Spotting the hole she had made earlier, Jillian aimed the nose of...

Rise of the Rat King Part Five
Climbing back into the jeep, Jillian flipped a silver switch that flipped open the black round hatch to the rocket tipped winch. As a...

Rise of the Rat King Part 4
Without a moment’s hesitation, Jillian jumped down from her chair and retrieved the black tote bag from the desk drawer. Slinging the bag...

Rise of the Rat King Part 3
Three hours later, Jillian awoke with a snort. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she first looked down at her desk and the page covered with...