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Rise of the Rat King 8.1

With a flash of white light, Sonya began reading the directions to Jillian. Turning on the road indicated, Jillian looked at the map provided and realized that it would take her into Bayport NY, which was about 283 miles away. On a good night it would take her about five hours to reach her destination, Jillian sighed. This simply wouldn’t do, the only way she would get to the docks in time was if she flew, something Jillian was hoping she didn’t have to do.

“Sonya,” Jillian meowed quietly, rubbing her paw over her eyes, “Execute order Sonya has wings.”

“As you wish,” Sonya replied. “May I suggest you remain buckled, this may get a little bumpy,”

A low whining picked up around the black car as the four doors flew open and slid down to the base of the vehicle. The wind grabbed at Jillian’s body, threatening to yank her out of Sonya, as she barreled down the road. Moments later black panels slid into place, cutting of the roaring noise. Using one paw to straighten her fur, Jillian punched the button that activated the auto pilot. Within a few moments Sonya lifted from the paved road and ascended into the night sky. With a small sigh, Jillian picked up her phone and reclined the front seat. “So far so good,” she meowed softly to herself as she set her cellphone alarm, “For a device that has yet to be field tested.” Yawning Jillian closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

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