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Rise of the Rat King Part 7

A few minutes later Jillian was speeding down the road, while hissing in the phone. “I want all hands on deck for this one. This is not a drill, ladies and gentleman. This is for real this time. A familiar voice came on over the line, “Do you want me to get our allies, the dogs involved?” Spooky asked with a worried meow, “Also are you okay, should I have a medic team on standby to take you in.”

Jillian sighed impatiently, “I’m fine for now my love, as for involving our allies the dogs…I’d rather keep this in house for the moment... She paused in thought, then asked, “Do the dogs have their own navy?”

There was a moment’s pause then Spooky meowed, “Yes I believe they do…though I believe that it’d be easier to assemble the Rubber Ducky Squadron- since they’re already in the water.”

“Huh, I suppose your right,” Jillian meowed in reflectively. “Plus they’d recently upgraded their arsenal to include Swedish Fish Torpedoes.”

“Still it wouldn’t hurt to have the dogs on standby in case something goes wrong.” Spooky suggested with a meow. “Afterall they have proven too be of some use in the past and it would look good on our part to include them in on something of importance.”

“True,” Jillian replied with a sigh. “Though it would have to be something simple, given their limited brain capacity.”

“I agree completely,” Spooky replied with a meow. “But what is the question?”

Jillian was silent for a moment, then a thought struck her, “What if we make them grunts?”

“Okay, but how would we make use of them?” Spooky replied. “What we need is soldiers to attack from the sea, not ground troops.”

“Oh but they would attack by sea…that’s if my idea goes according to plan. “ Jillian purred. “It’s so perfect I can’t believe that I didn’t think of it before.”

“Well are you going to let me in on your perfect plan?” Spooky meowed curiously. “Or are you going to make me beg?"

“What… Oh yes I’ll tell you…..begging comes later.” Jillian meowed seductively.

Quickly Jillian explained her sudden idea in detail to Spooky. When she was finished, she caught her breath and waited for his reply.

After a few moments Spooky meowed, “Well that is a brilliant idea…though may I suggest that if we’re going to do this that we require them to wear rubber shoes.”

“Why?” Jillian meowed.

“Those pups’ nails are sharp.” Spooky meowed in reply. “We don’t want to sink our squadron before they leave port.”

“I agree,” Jillian meowed. “Rubber shoes it is…

The road swerved and dipped. Jillian quickly found herself on the wrong side of the road, facing an oncoming tractor trailer. Quickly swerving into her own lane, Jillian swore as the other driver laid on his horn.

“What is that?” Spooky cried in alarm. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay,” Jillian meowed weakly, but I’m going to have to let you go and focus on the road.”

“Yes, please do.” Spooky replied. “It wouldn’t do any of us any good if you get yourself killed in a car accident. Don’t worry, I’ll make all the necessary arraignments, just make sure you get there safely.”

“Okay, I will.” Jillian meowed in reply.

“I love you and I always will,” Spooky said before hanging up.

“I love you too,” Jillian purred as she put down the phone to concentrate on the road. “I’m lucky to have a man like you in my life. I don’t know what I would do, if I ever lost you.”

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