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Death of Spooky Part Two

As she listened to the thud of bullets strike the metal canisters that she hid behind, Jillian realized that the rain of bullets was coming from one direction that seemed to be moving away from her. Looking up briefly, she saw that a giant rat was firing what appeared to be a Tommy. He was slowly backing up one of the docks where a red and white speed boat was tied to a worn wood dock.

Ducking again, Jillian reloaded and silently counted down 3, 2, 1. As her mouth formed around the number one, she leaped out from behind the canisters and charged the rat, firing as her paws dug into the weathered planks. The rat who had already reached the boat, had it untied and was about to push the ignition, when he was struck in the shoulder by one of Jillian’s bullets. Letting out a pained hiss, he punched the red button with his left hand and shove the throttle forward with his right.

Determined not to let him escape, Jillian leapt through the air and crashed into the rat as the boat sprang away from the dock. Scrambling to her feet, Jillian recalled in her mind, her training with the Basset Clan and quickly throat punched the rat before he could fully recover. Stumbling backwards, he clutched his throat, letting out a crackled wheeze, “You’re too late. They’ve already left, soon the Rat King will make his move and then all the world will call him master.” Turning his back to her, the rat stared out into the waves mumbling, “It is too late…. I’m too late.”

Staring in the direction he was looking, Jillian thought she saw the grey hull of a submarine sink beneath the surface. Grabbing hold of the rat, Jillian spun him around to face her, “What happened to Spooky,” she hissed.

“Spooky, who’s Spooky?” the rat replied…nervously eyeing the claw Jillian held inches from his neck.

“He was the one piloting the Lucky Star…” Jillian hissed, “You can’t miss it…it had a big star on the side of it.”

The rat smirked, “Yeah I remember that one, it took out about three quarters of our fleet. But in the end, it suffered the same fate when it flew too close to my Tommy.”

“And the pilot,” Jillian hissed. “What of the pilot?”

“Attempted to eject and caught fire, before plummeting into the ocean,” the rat sneered. “I hate to tell you this Princess, but your boyfriend has permanently rented out one of Davy Jones lockers.”

Jillian’s pupils dilated. She saw red. Without a moment’s hesitation, Jillian punched the rat in the stomach, causing him to double over. Spinning around, she kicked him in the jaw causing him to stumble backwards and fall out of the boat. As the rat began to struggle and scream about not knowing how to swim, Jillian turned the boat around and headed back to shore, trying to hold the tears in that threatened to pour out of her eye lids. Knowing that nothing would never be the same without Spooky.

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