Pin Pad Error

Having made up his mind, Jack first headed down to his work station, knowing that if this crazy plan had any hope of working, that both sections of the teleported needed to be primed to go off at a certain time.
A few minutes later Jack reached the final bend to his workstation undetected, which frankly was a surprising, but welcoming relief. Jack placed his hand on the large circular cylinder and peered around the corner. There was a guard standing near the end of the hall, that ended where Jacks workstation began. Knowing that he would have to get rid of the guard one way or the other, Jack pulled the pistol out of the back of his pants and checked to make sure it was cocked and the safety was off. Replacing the gun to the small of his back, he boldly stepped out and walked up to the guard.
When Jack was about five feet away, the guard turned his head and looked him. “Don’t mind me,” Jack said, his left hand gripping the pistol behind his back. “I need to do one or two things before the end of the night. You wouldn’t even know that I’m here.”
With a nod of his head, the guard resumed his stone stare as Jack passed by. Quickly punching in code, Jack frowned when the pin pad beeped, indicating that he had the wrong code. Quickly glancing up at the guard, Jack noticed that he was staring at him, but more at the gun that was tucked in the back of his pants. Ripping the gun out of his pants, Jack fired.