Rise of the Rat King Part 9

Within an hour’s time, Jillian’s alarm went off moments before Sonya began her descent. Yawning, Jillian stretched and looked at the time on her phone through heavy eyes. An hour had passed in what had seemed like a matter of moments and though that time had starved off exhaustion in the short run, she still felt its clammy fingers drain on the energy she had restored. Rubbing her eyes, Jillian checked the gauges on Sonya, as its tires hit softly on the black top. Sonya’s lights lit the white and yellow lines, throwing the glare through the windshield temporarily blinding her. With a grimace, Jillian narrowed her eyes to slits as her paw punched the gas pedal, causing Sonya to squeal off into the night.
About fifteen minutes later, Jillian slid Sonya around the street corner to the address that Spooky had provided, a full out battle was taken place. “What is going on here,” Jillian meowed in alarm as she yanked Sonya hard to the right to avoid the flames from a crashed plane that looked eerily like the one Spooky was supposed to fly. “What is going on,” Jillian mumbled to herself as she spun Sonya in an arc, to avoid a hail of bullets that had been fired by a fat rat, holding a pea shooter.
“If I may offer a reply,” Sonya replied in her dry crisp voice, “Daylights saving for Cats, Dogs and Rats was today and you have been driving around like crazy cat for a good portion of it…pushing yourself to the point of near exhaustion. I decided it was prudent to let you sleep that “hour” so I prevented your phone from correcting itself to the right hour. No need to thank me.”
“Thank you”…Jillian hissed, as the realization that she was an hour late to her own battle began to sink in, “I’d rather”….Just then a loud explosion lit up underneath Sonya, throwing her five feet into the air….”Oh great here we go again” Jillian mumbled to herself as Sonya’s passenger side slammed heavily on the cracked parking lot cement.