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Cat and Mouse Game Part 2

Jack flew down the hall, his mind flying through options that would help him escape and yet every time he did so, the only solution that came to him was to go into the digital world, just as Jill had done. But the question was, how was he going to do it? Obviously, his goal was to get to the machine and escape into the other world, but actually doing it, was the problem. He knew that the General was watching him through the cameras and most likely having him followed. The more that Jack thought about it, the more he realized that he was going to have to create a distraction and jam the cameras so that he could slip away unnoticed.

A plan began to form in his mind and Jack new what he had to do and if he was caught, well then he would just use the excuse that he couldn’t sleep and had decided to do some work to calm his restless mind..

Reaching his room, Jack grabbed his pack and began filling it with necessary supplies, like emergency rations, first aid supplies, parachute cord, bottled water and a folding knife. Looking around the room, he thought of what else he might need. A slight grin grew on his face as he remembered the little toy he had hidden away in case of emergencies. It had been a gift from his great grandfather who had served in WWII. Standing on his bed, Jack removed the grate in the wall and pulled out a small black plastic bag.

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