Love will find us in the End Part 1
The wind slapped the sides of the plane causing it to shudder and moan as it plowed its way through the night sky, Jillian woke with a...

Two hours later, Jillian was boarding the plane that would take her to Spooky’s location. This was the moment she had been waiting for...

A Spark of Hope Part 7
Two days later, Jillian received word that the team had reached Spooky’s last known location and had begun a fifty mile sweep in all...
A Spark of Hope Part Six
The next morning, Jillian was all business. Afterall she had a business to run and there was no room for mistakes. Her first priority was...

A Spark of Hope Part Five
Stepping out of the office, Jillian pulled out her new purple phone. Glancing around her, Jillian moved over to a corner so as not to be...

A Spark of Home Part 4
Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, Jillian walked into the office her heels clicking on the tiled floor. Come to a stop in...

A Spark of Hope Part 3
There was a click on the radio and the message began to play again. Letting it play, Jillian closed her eyes and let herself slip away....

A Spark Of Hope Part 2
Flying into the basement, Jillian raced across the floor towards the radio as Spooky’s message came to life through in a series of...
A Spark of Hope Part 1
No it was not possible, Jillian couldn’t believe her tiny gray ears. Spooky was alive and was going to communicate again at midnight?...
Death of Spooky Part Four
Not paying any particular attention to it, Jillian did her routine walk around the room and was headed back for the stairs when the radio...