Rise of the Rat King Part 4

Without a moment’s hesitation, Jillian jumped down from her chair and retrieved the black tote bag from the desk drawer. Slinging the bag across her back, Jillian flew down the hall, her paws barely touching the tiled floor. Reaching the elevators at the end, she skidded to a stop as she debated on whether to take the stairs. “Whereas the stairs would be faster, Jillian wheezed aloud, as her head flew back and forth from the stairs to the elevator, “I still have to make arrangements to pull the Pule cheese bucks out of the freezer and arrange for my vehicle to be pulled to the front of the building.”
A few minutes later, Jillian stepped out of the elevator and took the heavy brief case handed to her by their newest member Precious Patches. Thanking her, Jillian stepped out of the building and into her modified 96 Jeep Cherokee. Gunning the engine, she peeled out the from the entrance of the building, pointing the nose of the Jeep towards Rats Smacks Cats main office building located five miles away. Dodging in and out of traffic, Jillian cranked the wheel hard, causing her beloved Cherokee to go on two wheels. Sliding to a stop, near the entrance to the building, Jillian debated on whether to use the front entrance or attempt to sneak in. Looking up at the building, she saw that it was dark, except for the twenty-third floor, where the lights were flashing on and off in an all familiar sequenced pattern.
Recognizing the code right away, Jillian grabbed a pen and paper and recorded the message, Two short, one long, One short, two long, one short.-stop. This was followed by, four short, one short, one short, one long, one short, one short – stop. This was followed by, three short, one long, two short, one long, one short, two long, one short, two short, one long, two short- stop. Followed by, one long, one short, one long, one short, one short, one long, one long- stop.
Looking at what she recorded, Jillian translated the code into words, “Up here stupid cat.” Well so much for the element of surprise, Jillian hissed to herself as she climbed out of the jeep. She was halfway to the building when she stopped as a sudden thought hit her. There was one thing she could do, though the damage that would be done to her beloved Cherokee, sent a shiver down her spine …still what must be done must be done and there wasn’t a second to lose.
End of Part Four- to be continued next week