Cat and Mouse Game Part 5

Greg watched as the fire burned steadily on the ruined structurer of what use to be Jacks room. That little worm was insane and though Greg knew that he could take him out at any minute, he was under orders to let Jack run loose, under his careful eye. Greg knew that the General had a reason for wanting Jack to escape into the digital world, but why was a mystery to him. Yes, Jill was an important element of the scientific community and the overall success to the mission. But surely there were other scientists that could read her research and duplicate the process of entering the world. So her importance though highly valuable, was not entirely necessary. No, Greg thought there had to be another reason…a more personal reason, one that he knew he had to uncover no matter the cost. Afterall leverage learned is leverage earned. It would be nice to have a General in your pocket, especially in certain times of need.
Movement in the left-hand corner of his eye, caught Greg’s attention. So that worm is finally feeling safe enough to leave his little corner of filth. It was about time. After-all this self -thought always drove Greg nuts, he lived for the thrill of the chase and nothing else – except money and power of course.