Death of Spooky Part One

With a groan, Jillian crawled out of the driver’s side and slid to the ground. Pulling the revolver out of her purse, she ducked behind the ruined remains of Sonya a bullets rained down on her. The smashed remains of Spooky’s plane burned fresh in her memory. Giving herself a strong shake, Jillian meowed softly to herself, “Calm yourself girl, you don’t that that’s Spooky’s plane back there. And even if it that was his plane there’s a good chance he made it out safely, he is after all an experienced pilot. Now get your shit together.”
Slowly releasing her breath, Jillian stood up and calmly swept from left to right, feeling the thump, thump, thump of the pistol, as it barked between her two paws. Ducking down again, Jillian popped the cylinder and dumped her empties, loading six in the cylinder Jillian snapped it shut and stood up again. Seeing the nearest rat fifteen yards away, she took aim and fired. The body twisted strangely to left, but kept coming.
Knowing that if she stayed in one place to long that there was a possibility of being overrun, Jillian leaped out from behind Sonya’s smoking body and rushed the oncoming rat, putting two slugs in it as she did. The body fell to the ground as Jillian quickly passed it, spotting a rat up ahead Jillian pondered the idea of taking it down, but decided that it was too far away.
Heading in the direction of the docks, she passed numerous strewn bodies, some of them were allies, but most of them were rats. Whatever battle had taken place here, it looked like her side had won. Though this was a welcoming sight, it did little to reassure Jillian that everything was alright. Reaching the docks, she quickly scanned the area and then had to dive for cover as another hail of bullets buried themselves in the ground beside her.