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Rise of the Rat King Part 8

The dark road weaved before her as the minutes counted down. Jillian didn’t quite know what she would face when she reached her final destination. A thought occurred to her, ‘the rats mentioned a NY dock, but they didn’t say which one.’ Pushing a button on the front console, Jillian waited as a black screen slid into place and flickered to life. “How may I be of service,” a crisp woman voice asked. “Sonya,” Jillian meowed, “I’d like you to connect to Meowolf and locate any unusual activities that took place or are taking place around NY Docks that involve rats.”

“Give me a minute, while I connect to the space station,” Sonya replied, as a picture of the car with a long flashing arrow connecting to the satellite appeared on screen. It was at this time, Jillian heard her phone beep, indicating that she had an incoming call. Deciding that now was not the time to be taking calls, she let it go to voicemail. Sonya’s voice spoke through the silence, causing Jillian to jump. “You have a voicemail, do you want me to play it for you?”

“Yes please,” Jillian meowed

There was a click and Jillian heard Spooky’s voice pickup on the recording, “After I got done talking with you my love, I realized that we had no idea where this drop is supposed to take place. So I too the liberty of linking in Meowolf and looking for any unusual activity. What I found was a rat blimp that is flashing a large sign “Dumb Cat, drop is here,” as well as what appears to be several rat motor boats and a submarine. Anyway, I’m going to be piloting Lucky star, our latest fighter jet. I’m sending the coordinates to Sonya’s GPS, with any luck all of this will be over soon,”

With a click the message ended, without a moment hesitation, Jillian hissed, “Sonya forget about attaching to the Space station, take me to the coordinate that have been provided.

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