Rise of the Rat King Part 3

Three hours later, Jillian awoke with a snort. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she first looked down at her desk and the page covered with scribbled ink. By the way the ink dropped off the page of the page, it was apparent that she had fallen asleep shortly after putting the first sentence to paper. “So much for my first attempt of writing a memoir,” Jillian meowed softly to herself.
Stretching, she glanced up at the Mickey Mouse clock and realized with a start that three hours has passed and still no contact from Moonar. Something was not right, quickly looking at the phone, Jillian saw the flashing light on the right of the phone which indicated that there was a recorded message. Picking up the receiver, she punched in the required code combination and listened as it connected her to the inbox. There was one message and it was from Moonar. Quickly stabbing the button one that would allow her to listen to his message, Jillian tapped her paw impatiently as the mechanical voice said, ‘Thank you, we are now connecting your call.” With a click, Jillian heard the phone connect and Moonar’s voice spoke quickly through the receiver. “This Agent 972017 reporting as requested. Everything here seems deplorably normal. Nothing to report and yet I can’t help feel that there is something odd about this place. There is one more place that I’d like to check. It shouldn’t take me long, considering the corridor has been marked out of order- due to maintenance. You should hear back from me in about an hours’ time.” The time recorded on the phone was seven thirty pm. That was two hours ago and yet Jillian had heard nothing further from Moonar.
“This was not good.” Jillian meowed to herself, rubbing her right paw over her eyes. Cradling the receiver between her shoulder an ear, she jabbed the grey receiver button, ending the call. No sooner had Moonar voice been cut off, then Jillian punched in the numbers to the emergency burner phone, that she required all of her agents to carry. As the phone rang. Jillian tapped her paw impatiently hoping for the best, but dreading the worst.
There was a click on the other end and Moonar’s panicked voice filled her ear, “No time to talk now. But you were right in your suspicions of this company. They’re up to no good, but what they’re planning is hard to tell. I’m going to get a closer look and get back to you in a few minutes…”
But Jillian would hear none of it. “Agent Moonar, you have one of two choices, either you give me a full report now over the phone or you do it in person.”
“Oh alright, but this must be quick.” Moonar snapped. “ I inspected the corridor that had been marked Out Of Order and had decided that everything was on the up and up, when an upside down panel caught my eye. I touched the middle and watched as it swung the right way up, revealing an inner passage. This passage leads to a large hall that houses several assembly lines that carry various pieces of heavy machinery that closely resemble that of humans. That is as far as I’ve gotten. With your permission I’d like to investigate further and…..Oh hairball, I believe that I’ve been spotted. I’ve got to go.”
There was a clatter and cold eerie voice filled the phone, “Got to go, got to go. If you want to see your friend alive come alone…bring lots of cheese. Cats drool and Rats rule.”