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Rise of the Rat King Part 6

As Jillian raced down the corridor, she felt the heat gaining on her. Spotting the hole she had made earlier, Jillian aimed the nose of the Jeep towards its center, knowing that she’d wouldn’t have enough boost to make it to the ground safely. Quickly flipping another switch marked rocket boosters, Jillian smiled as the familiar roar of the engines, were drowned out by that of the rockets clicking into place and firing to life.

With a load roar she was through the window and soaring above the few trees in the parking lot, looking for a place to safely land. A sudden heat wave filled the cab, singing Jillian’s fur as the building exploded behind her, sending the Cherokee into a sudden nose dive. Yanking hard on the steering column, Jillian was able to pull the Jeep up in time for the front wheels to partially take some of the blow of impact away from the front bumper. The passenger front tire buckled under the pressure as the vehicle slid across the parking lot, sliding on its grill. Cutting the rocket engines, Jillian waited patiently for the Cherokee to stop and fall backwards with a crash. ‘Well that’s the last of that vehicle,’ Jillian meowed sadly to herself, as she clamored out of the driver’s side window, with the white envelope clutched tightly in her left hand.

Using the nearest lamppost for support, Jillian stood up and looked around her. The jeep lay broken and smoking a few feet from her. Sparks jumped out from the now exposed wires on the passenger side door, catching the interior on fire. With a quickened hobble, Jillian slowly made her way across the parking lot to the section marked Employee Parking Only. There she found the 2011 Hyundai Sonata that Moonar had been driving. Patting the left rear tire, Jillian was glad to find that Moonar had placed the spare key, where he was instructed too.

Unlocking the car, Jillian carefully climbed inside, looking for the first time at her right side which was screaming with pain. There was a dark red spot that appeared right beneath her right paw. “I’ll have to attend to that shortly,” Jillian meowed softly to herself, as she slid into the driver’s seat, “But for now, I need to find where Moonar was taken and to do that, I believe I need to read the card in the envelope.”

Slicing through the top of the white envelops, Jillian removed a slip of paper that read, NY Docks, Midnight. Bring the cheese or your agent dies….oh and enjoy this slight used mint on us. Grimacing in disgust, Jillian used a tissue from the front dash of the Sonata to throw the mint out the window. Placing the slip of paper back into the envelope, she started the car. Looking at the fancy interior, Jillian purred to herself, “This would make a nice vehicle replacement for my humans, they’d of course need to work out some kind of payment plan with me. But overall I believe that they’d be satisfied and offer me two cans of Tuna in gratitude, though perhaps I can convince them to give me three.”

With the thought of fish on her mind, Jillian backed the car out and put it in drive. She of course realized that all of this would come after the completion of her mission. That her primary goal was to find and rescue Moonar. More importantly, she realized she could not do it alone. It was time to call on her friends.

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