Pin Pad Error
Having made up his mind, Jack first headed down to his work station, knowing that if this crazy plan had any hope of working, that both...

The crashing of waves Part 1
Jack’s breathing was heavy and unstable. He knew that he had to calm it before attempting to go anywhere. Calling to mind the soothing...

A break into the dream land
As Moxie closed her eyes to sleep, she felt herself drifting towards an unfamiliar two story building. Reaching the steps, she opened the...

Cat and Mouse Game Part 5
Greg watched as the fire burned steadily on the ruined structurer of what use to be Jacks room. That little worm was insane and though...

Where love begins
I love to hate you But hate to love you Yes you, my brother, my sister My enemy, My lover You give me no cause And yet here we stand...

Cat and mouse game part 4
Within moments of leaving his room, Jack felt the rumble as the computer triggered the several well-placed explosives around the room....

Greg and the Bow Wow restaurant
It was a dark and dismal day. Black clouds gathered in the east and Greg knew that the rain was going to start at any minute. This is why...

Cat and Mouse game part Three
Opening the bag, Jack removed the small semiautomatic pistol and tucked it into his waist band. Digging his hand into the bag again, he...

Cat and Mouse Game Part 2
Jack flew down the hall, his mind flying through options that would help him escape and yet every time he did so, the only solution that...

Cat and Mouse Game Part 1
“So in short,” General Porkster replied in response to Jack’s story, “Jill knew that you always prepped the machine and had waited for...