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Death of Spooky Part Four

Not paying any particular attention to it, Jillian did her routine walk around the room and was headed back for the stairs when the radio squawked her name from across the room. Jillian felt her blood begin to boil, all she wanted was to be left alone with her grief and everywhere she turned the duties of her old life called out to her, demanding her return. Up till now, she had the temperament and patience to deal with such nonsense, but today she had had enough.

With a loud hiss, Jillian flew across the room and seized the CB radio, ripping the cord partially out of the wall. Raising it above her head, Jillian screamed, “Enough…just leave me alone…when the radio cackled in mock response….”Come in, come in, does anyone hear me?” It was half of the voice that haunted her every thought… and now it was manifesting itself in the real world through mechanical machines. Jillian knew she was cracking and she didn’t care. Her paws began to shake and Jillian crumbled to the floor, tears streaming from her eyes, she let out the emotions she had bottled up inside her since the day Spooky’s plane had crashed.

The radio crackled again…”Please anyone out there, will you get a hold of Jillian and let her now that I’m alive….” There was a pause and then it resumed, “as always I’ll replay this transmission around midnight with the hope of making contact with my one true love.” Spooky out.

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