A Spark of Hope Part Five

Stepping out of the office, Jillian pulled out her new purple phone. Glancing around her, Jillian moved over to a corner so as not to be overheard. There was a click on the other end and a voice meowed, “Horner here.”
“Hi, Horner, This is Jillian. I want you to purchase for me as many stocks as you can of my company.”
“Are you sure,” Horner replied. “That’d wipe out most of your bank account.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Jillian replied. “It’s time that I take back control of my company.”
Hanging up, Jillian slowly walked towards the exit and allowed herself to be taken by the arm and guided to the company limousine waiting for her. The young sandy colored cat muscles bulged beneath his suit, and as Jillian was pulled close to him, catnip cologne floated into her nose. Looking up at him with a sweet smile, she noticed his light brown eyes glowing kindly behind well-groomed eye lashes. Battering her hazel green eyes at him, Jillian purred and held out her paw to be kissed.
Obliging her, the delightful young cat lifted Jillian’s grey stripped paw and gently brushed his lips over her fur, sending a tingling sensation down her spine. Batting her eyes at him once more, Jillian glanced at the name tag pinned to his well pressed suit, G.M. Howler. Smiling, she climbed into the limousine and watched with dismay as the door was slammed shut. With a flick of her wrist, Jillian rolled down the window to get a final view of the eye candy. Seeing him, she blew him a kiss as the car roared to life and pulled away from the curb.