A Spark of Hope Part 3

There was a click on the radio and the message began to play again. Letting it play, Jillian closed her eyes and let herself slip away. The next morning Jillian prepared herself to face her company’s board. She knew that she would have to convince them that, one she was of sane mind, able to resume control over her company and two that their first mission was to send out a search and rescue team to the location Spooky had indicated in his message. Sighing, Jillian straighten her tie and meowed softly to herself, “Calm girl, you got this. Just tell them what they need to know and nothing more.”
A few hours later, Jillian had presented her case before the board and now waiting for their response. This of course she knew would take some time, though she hoped that it wouldn’t take too long…Spooky’s life depended on it. Pacing the room for the third time, Jillian looked towards the office room door. Any minute now, she expected them to open it and call her in. Jillian thought through what she had said… it had all been well rehearsed and to the point…as Cuddles her strongest supporter had stressed it to be… that part was easy compared to all this waiting.
The door cracked open and Cuddles stuck her brown furry head out, “You may come in now Jillian,” she barked kindly. “The board has reached a decision.”