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A Spark of Hope Part 1

No it was not possible, Jillian couldn’t believe her tiny gray ears. Spooky was alive and was going to communicate again at midnight? This was impossible. Jillian saw the burning remains of Spooky’s plane herself. No, this must be some cruel prank put on by Patches and Tigiee, the two youngest members of her organization and they’d be dealt with in short order. ‘But still,’ Jillian pondered to herself as she slowly climbed back up the stairs. ‘It wouldn’t hurt to see this through. Afterall it’s only one night and perhaps this will break me free from my current state of mind.’

Having made up her mind on her next course of action, Jillian entered the hall and made a beeline for the bathroom, where she prepped the shower for a much needed bath. Looking into the mirror for the first time in a couple of months, Jillian cried weakly to herself, “Damn girl, you really let yourself go. This should’ve never gone this far, no matter what happened. You’re a strong independent female. Now snap out of it.”


A few hours later, Jillian awoke with a start to the sound of her alarm going off. Glancing at the time, she saw that it was 11:55 pm. Not realizing at first why she had set her alarm, Jillian rolled back over to fall asleep, when the events of the day came crashing into her mind. With a jolt, she jumped out of bed and raced down the basement stairs as the squawk of the radio boomed in her tiny grey ears.

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