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A Spark of Home Part 4

Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, Jillian walked into the office her heels clicking on the tiled floor. Come to a stop in front of the board table, she patiently folded her paws in front of her. Doing did her best to hide the nervousness that threatened to creep up into her face.

This was the moment Jillian had been waiting for and now that it was here, she didn’t know if she had the strength required to see this through. But Jillian knew that there was no turning back now. Calming her thoughts, she blinked her eyes three times and waited.

Jillian watched as Max looked at Cuddles, yipped a few words of confirmation, and then stood. “We’re all glad to see you have recovered from your sustained illness that was brought on by your last mission.”

Jillian smiled patiently.

“Now as to your request for control of your company back, we feel that it is best if you slowly transition back into that role….so as not to overwhelm you with all the responsibilities that come with that role. We don’t want you falling back into the same hole, you had just crawled out of.”

“Thank You for your consideration,” Jillian meowed quietly.

“Now as to your other request or should I say demand…we have consented to send out a small search team to the coordinates that you have provided us. They will do brief sweep over the area to see if anything suspicious pops up. If and I repeat if Spooky is out there then we will find him.”

“Thank you,” Jillian meowed, her voice gaining in strength. “I appreciate the board taking the time to listen to my requests and starting tomorrow, I’ll be seeing more of you.”

“That is not at all necessary.” Max replied. “Why don’t you take a few days off and start refreshed on Monday.”

“No I’m afraid that I can’t do that,” Jillian hissed. “I’ve spent too much time at home. I need to work and I’m going to work.”

“If you insist,” Max barked. Looking briefly at Cuddles, he added “Meeting dismissed.”

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