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Two hours later, Jillian was boarding the plane that would take her to Spooky’s location. This was the moment she had been waiting for all week, this was the beginning of the moment that had haunted her dreams for months and now it was upon her. Jillian was almost afraid to go through with it- lest she wake and find it only a dream. She ran her paw through her short gray fur as she reflected back on when she met Spooky for the first time. She remembered how was taken in by his bulging frame as he filled her makeshift plane with the merchandise for their first set of customers. Even though that plane had went down in a fiery heap over the New Jersey shoreline, Jillian had counted that first mission a success. And indeed it had been since it laid the ground work for her later missions that made her thriving business cat she was today.

Sitting down in the plush blue plane seat, Jillian’s mind again flashed back to the night the plane went down. She recalled feeling that something was odd about the malfunction in the motors. She always meant to have that incident checked out but never did.

Jillian sighed, “Well there is no time like the present” she meowed softly to herself. Pulling out her phone, she banged out a quick text message to Cuddles with instructions to quietly start an investigation into the crash.

Placing her phone back in her pocket, Jillian snuggled further into the chair to find the comfort she desired as the plane lifted into the air.

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