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Love will find us in the End Part 1

The wind slapped the sides of the plane causing it to shudder and moan as it plowed its way through the night sky, Jillian woke with a cry as she tumbled from her seat and slid to the cockpit door. Picking herself up slowly, Jillian was pitched forward again, as the nose of the plane dove into a dive. Grabbing hold of the door, Jillian banged her paw hard against the steel frame. There was no response. She banged again. There was a click and the door popped open. Stumbling inside, Jillian saw that there had been a struggle and that both the pilot and copilot appeared dead. But there was no sign of an intruder. “This was weird, very weird.” Jillian hissed through her teeth. The pilot groaned and opened his eyes. Jillian rushed to his side, “What happened” she meowed.

Coughing the Pilot spat out blood, then whispered, “Auto Pilot. Put the plane on auto pilot.”

Reaching up, Jillian slapped the button marked auto pilot and then returned to his side. “Tell me what happened here,” she meowed for the second time.

The pitot closed his eyes, then meowed, “The copilot went crazy, she was going on about how the rats had her kittens and the only way for her to assure their safety was to make sure that the plane never reached the Bermuda triangle.”

“I swear those rats will get what’s coming to them,” Jillian hissed as she gently took the pilots paw into hers. “But for now we have to worry about safely landing this plane.”

“I wouldn’t bother,” the pilot meowed weakly. “The copilot mentioned something about having a backup plan, an explosive of some sort.”

“Where,” Jillian demanded. “Where is the explosive?”

The pilot didn’t respond.

“Where is the explosive,” Jillian screamed, digging her claws into his paw.

The pilots eyes fluttered open, “What, what did you ask?”

“Where is the explosive,” Jillian meowed again.

“I’m not entirely sure,” he meowed. “Perhaps somewhere around the cargo hold, that’s the only place that something can go unnoticed for any period of time.”

“Thank you for everything.” Jillian meowed sadly, as the pilots paw slipped from hers. “You have done as all proud.”

Looking at the destruction around her, Jillian meowed softly to herself. “Well girl, it looks like you have some work to do.”

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