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A Spark Of Hope Part 2

Flying into the basement, Jillian raced across the floor towards the radio as Spooky’s message came to life through in a series of clicks. It was a looped message, similar to the one she had heard earlier. Still, it sang like the mystics song in Jillian ears. As she listen to it play through for the third time, Jillian realized that listening to it over and over again, and doing nothing about it was pointless. “The first thing I have to do,” Jillian meowed softly to herself, “Is record this message on something permanent so that I can reference it anytime I’d like….plus it’ll also show proof to others that what I’m currently hearing is real and not in my head.”

Yanking open a wooden desk drawer, Jillian began rummaging around absentmindedly, till her paw closed around the item she was looking for. Pulling out a battered mini cassette player, she popped it open and inserted a mini cassette that came from an unopened package of three. Both of them had been shoved to the back of the junk drawer. Pushing the play button, she placed the player near the radio and waited for the message to play again.

“Mayday, mayday this is Captain Spooky. My plane has been shot down and I’ve been taken prisoner by the Rat Kings army. I’ve managed to escape my confines, only to find that I’ve been marooned on a rusted oil freight. There is very little food and even less water. Please help me…I have vital information concerning the Rat Kings master plan that must reach the ears of my beautiful love, Jillian. If you have not yet picked up on my location, here are the coordinates, 25 N -71 E. I’m setting this message on a loop that will play for an hour every night. Please come as soon as possible. Spooky out.”

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