A break into the dream land
As Moxie closed her eyes to sleep, she felt herself drifting towards an unfamiliar two story building. Reaching the steps, she opened the...

Narrators tale
Welcome back dear readers, grab a chair, grab your partner, even grab your partners chair if you wish, but gather round and listen as my...

Narrator's tales
To say where it all begins, well that is a bit complicated and complicated is not the tale that I’m going to relate to you tonight. But...

When the dead are called back to life
Foam covered the characters as the flames quickly came to an abrupt end. Knowing that he needed to get the situation under control,...

Burn Baby Burn
Still in the trance like state. Lucky Star took a seat in the remaining metal chair. Watching her with curiosity, Narrator asked, How are...

What to do when foreign substances invade.
The next morning, Narrator awoke with a sore side. Standing up, he hobbled his way to the computer and began the necessary prep work for...

Dreams and their warnings
Rubbing his eyes, Narrator looked again. This time the chamber was empty. Rubbing his eyes for the second time, narrator saw a reflection...

Only to be shown their own short comings
The figures in his dreams flickered in the yellow pale emergency lights. There was his greatest foe, the only feline that could possibly...

And the naive try to play God
With a start all of the characters jumped off of the treadmills and headed straight towards the portal that would take them back to their...

When you need to collect that water Part 2: "when self-proclaimed god's are too big for the
Jocren awoke to find himself standing upright on a machine with a rubber belt under his feet. He was covered head to toe in a thick...