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Only to be shown their own short comings

The figures in his dreams flickered in the yellow pale emergency lights. There was his greatest foe, the only feline that could possibly stand a chance of putting an end to his ambition of ruling the feline world. It was ironic really, she was his ticket to his greatest desire and yet she was the one who nearly brought him to the brink of disaster. Narrator watched as Jillian yanked two florescent bulbs from the ceiling. They flickered and sprang to life. The copy of Narrator did the same. With a hissing scream, Jillian attacked shattering the glass against the Narrator. He blocked her blow, shattering his own glass in return. The four flames of light remained lit as the two went at each other again. Narrator couldn’t tell which was which from the constant flashing beams. But that mattered little to him. He knew won this fight, as he knew that the remains were stored in the Cryo chamber to be preserved for future study.

His dream darkened and Narrator felt himself beginning to spin in black nothingness. Then everything slowed to a stop and the darkness lightened to a misty grey. Narrator saw a stationary figure, though he couldn’t quite make it out through the haze. As the fog cleared, he saw that he was looking at the remains of his foe through the thick glass of the Cryo chamber. He didn’t know why he was seeing this, for it was the same as it was when he deposited Jillian's remains in this chamber….and yet. It wasn’t two pieces he was looking at now, but one.

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