Narrators tale

Welcome back dear readers, grab a chair, grab your partner, even grab your partners chair if you wish, but gather round and listen as my tale unfolds…
Jack flew down the white tilled hall, as fast as his short little legs would let him. Turning the corner, he spun to the right, his black sole shoes loudly squeaking on floor as he dodged Turner, the sixty-something year old maintenance man who was currently changing the garbage.
“Another late one?” Turner called out after him, as Jack flew by.
“You bet,” Jack replied. “That seems to be a reoccurring theme lately. Don’t worry, we’ll try to keep the mess down to a minimum.”
“That would be much appreciated,” Turner hollered back. “Last time it took me half the night to clean up after you guys- that is not to mention not being able to get in there until well past 4:00 am.
Jack spun around, giving Turner the thumbs up as he quickly skirted around the corner.
Turner shook his head slowly, as he went back to his work. ‘I don’t know what kind of top-secret projects those guys do in that lab, but whatever it is, it’s always messy when I get in there. It was like this when I started ten years ago, and it will most like be like when I retire five years from now. Some things just never change.’
To be continued next week…