Dreams and their warnings

Rubbing his eyes, Narrator looked again. This time the chamber was empty. Rubbing his eyes for the second time, narrator saw a reflection of himself in that very chamber….alive and yet dead? How is this even possible? Narrator thought to himself as he leaned in closer to the chamber door. Suddenly the dark eyes of his reflection popped wide open, stood, felt its side for what appeared to be some kind of wound- the only place where he could be wounded, then exited the chamber. Turning to face him, once last time his reflection whispered, “She’s coming for you,” then disappeared from view. Not sure of what to make of all of this, Narrator didn’t have time to reflect further as the room began to spin around, all the colors blending together in a water spout. Finding himself caught up in the middle, Narrator looked down and saw himself being poured back into the top of his head. With a sucking noise, he felt himself being squeezed in and then darkness…
A few minutes later, Narrator woke with a start. Racing over to the computer he panicky tapped on a few keys and brought up the camera right outside the Cryo champers. Clicking the zoom button, Narrator sighed a sigh of relief when the severed remains of his enemy came into view. Realizing it was all a bad dream, he exited the screen on the computer, got up and went back to bed. Yawning, Narrator pulled the blankets up to his chin and was soon fast asleep.
She emerged from the shadows of the room and quietly approached his side, taking out a long needle, she gently pricked the Narrators hip and drew out some liquid. When she had enough, she disengaged the suction cup needle, slipped it beneath the folds of her black robes and stepped back into the darkness. “You have won for now my friend,” she hissed. “But I was greatly unprepared. “This next time however things will go quite differently.”