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And the naive try to play God

With a start all of the characters jumped off of the treadmills and headed straight towards the portal that would take them back to their own timeline. As they one by one disappeared, Narrator frowned in thought,’ something was not quite right, but no matter how hard he thought, the solution still alluded him. Deciding to separate each of the options in his mind, Narrator first brought forward the characters… Nothing out of the ordinary, he knew already that Fatheriam would fail, not once, but twice. ‘That man was a fraud in every other dimension but his own,’ Narrator mused to himself. ‘If he only applied himself instead of relying on the dark crutch of his master Crow, then he could achieve heights that he could only dream of.’ But this would not be the case, Fatheriam like all the other characters had his role to play and then he would be expendable. So no the characters were not the problem.

Next, Narrator drew up the progress of his plans for domination . Everything was going according to plan, all the supplies that he needed were coming into place. It was all working like a dream and yet something still was nagging him. There had to be an angle that he couldn’t quite figure out. Yawning, Narrator exited out of his computer and went over to his bed. ‘Perhaps a little nap would help clear things up.’

Laying down, he snapped his fingers to turn off the lights. Within a few minutes, Narrator drifted off to sleep, failing to notice through the slits in his eyes the two green bulbs that glared at him from across the room.

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