What to do when foreign substances invade.

The next morning, Narrator awoke with a sore side. Standing up, he hobbled his way to the computer and began the necessary prep work for the day. As soon as he had everything up and running, he pushed the blue button marked ‘portal’ and watched as the semi-round device flooded to life. Narrator watched as all the characters marched in and came to a standstill in front of the main overhead camera. Their faces were blank…as if they were experiencing some kind of trauma.
Narrator smiled, they must be in battle with the tree at this very moment. Perfect things were progressing better than he had hoped. Clicking the mike, Narrator said, Please take a seat and then we shall begin.”
As the characters took their places, Lucky Star stood stock still, her eyes a dark mystic purple. Narrator frowned. Something was not right. With a sudden slap of his hand, Narrator hit a big red button mark ‘containment.’ Red flashing lights sprung to life as a round glass cylinder slid up from the floor, encasing Lucky Star. A steam like substance flooded the chamber, revealing a purple aura that surrounded Lucky Star. Suddenly fans from the ceiling kicked on, sucking up the purplish steam.
The red lights, flickered off as the fans slowed down. Breathing a sigh of relief, Narrator hit the containment button again and watched as the glass cylinder slid back into the floor. Lucky Star still stood stock still, but this time the mystic purple was gone from her eyes.
Clicking the mike, Narrator said, Take a seat Lucky star and then we will discuss what has just happened.