Sister weighs her options
After Sister Minor had left, Sister sat in front of the mirror, and stared at her tear streaked face weighing her options. ‘Should she...

Sisters Minor's kindly advice
“Runaway?” “Yes, think about it. You can leave and never return. Then you don’t have to go into the service of Crow.” “But where will I...

Sister Minors Romantic Beach Getaway
“What…how dare you speak to me in that fashion,” Sister began… Sister Minor looked at her, shook her head and made to stand, “I knew this...

Sister Minors Blue Sea Shells
Sister crossed and uncrossed her legs for what seemed like the one hundredth time. Sister Minor had never seen her like this before. So...

Forbidden Records. From the desk of Brother Tabias
Official historical records indicate that an attempt on Crows life in the month of August 2016, was foiled, forcing the perpetrators to...

There comes a point...
There comes a point dear reader, when I must decide on which route to take. Should I pursue the normal course I’m on and have Brother...

An absent minded Puppeteer
Brother told him vague details of his relationship with sister, ending with the current note, and his confusion over its meaning. “Well...

A meeting of Brothers
Brother read and reread the letter trying to grasp its meaning. In one part Sister seemed to be angry, seemed to want to drive him away...

Fortunes Lonely Door
A few hours later, Brother sat hunched on a splintered, puke splattered bench in the Lucky Roger nursing a chipped glass filled with a...

You heard the Father’s call and saw his offered hand You decided that it was time to go, this we all know Free, your soul now roams the...