Fortunes Lonely Door

A few hours later, Brother sat hunched on a splintered, puke splattered bench in the Lucky Roger nursing a chipped glass filled with a murky yellow liquid that smelled strangely of horse piss, as he waited for his brother to arrive. This was typical of him, he’d call for a meeting and then arrive late. Brother understood why his brother chose this arm pit of Corvian, to hold his spur on the moment ‘family gatherings.’ But still this didn’t excuse him for being late for every meeting.
Sighing, Brother shifted uncomfortably on the bench and felt a small sharp poke on his left buttock. ‘Damn these benches’ he cursed under his breath. Patting his pockets for the worn handkerchief he had packed on him that morning, he withdrew it and placed it under him for cushioning. A slight chuckle broke out at the bar, Brother looked up and saw suppressed giggles of the drunks leaning against the battered juke box. They caught his eye and quickly looked away, still laughing. This wasn’t his scene, but he was well known and off limits. Anyone messed with him, dealt with his brother and no one wanted that kind of trouble. Brother grinned slightly and went back to his drink. It was at this time he noticed the lumped letter he had received that morning from Father minor. In all the commotion that had happened in that same hour, he hadn’t had time to read it. Pulling out an old battered jack knife that had belonged to his Father, Brother opened the biggest blade and slit the waxed seal on the letter.
Dear Brother,
I received your last letter and yes I miss you too,
But how long can we keep this up?
These trifling of words, I mean.
In less than a weeks’ time, I’ll be given to Crow and choices must be made.
As to your suggestion of our sexual passions meeting the rising sun together,
I must ask, is that all you see in me? Am I to be your high class call that keeps you company at night?
You desire my naked arms to warm you and yet you disregard my soul?
I’m still a free woman and my doors are to remain locked, till forced open.
Go away, leave me alone.
What you have I want none of
We could’ve been lovers
But you sought not my love
Only my body
To which you will have none of
Leave me not
At fortunes lonely door
Seriously though, think about what I said.