There comes a point...

There comes a point dear reader, when I must decide on which route to take. Should I pursue the normal course I’m on and have Brother write the letter to Sister, informing her about their decision to over throw Crow & Company? Or should I switch to the Historian and have him explain in vague detail the failed (spoiler) assassination attempt on Crow.
……brain processing….please standby…we thank you for your patience….
Okay, now I have an idea of what I’m going to do. In next week’s blog, I’ll have it flash back to the Historian to secure the story line and marking the end of a section. Then the following week, I’ll open up with Sister reading the letter from Brother. Naturally she’ll be concerned, but too late to stop anything? At a loss of what to do, Sister is on the verge of despair (naturally), when another option presents itself. Runaway…but to where that’s the question.
This is where I believe Sister Minor comes back into play. One way or another she tells Sister about the One Who Saves, that he has a land flowing with milk and honey. This concept will need to be worked to better fit the story line.
Sister gets a hold of Brother and proposes that they runaway together, if he agrees to this then to meet her at a specific factory(has yet to be named) and they’d go from there. Perhaps they’ll use the uprising as a cover for their escape.
Unfortunately Father somehow finds out about their plan and seeks to stop Daughter at any cost. For being the honorable man that he is, he can’t disobey the laws of the land…
Father meets Daughter in the factory and attempts to persuade her to come home, to enter the service of Crow. She refuses. He kills her and then kills Brother who, having heard the pistol (same colt 45 Nosos receives from Old man in Healing Disease) shot comes running.
This sums up the outline for the section of the storyline. Most of this will be used, some of it will not and things may be added that are not included in this outline. It all depends on how the story line wants to go.
Richard M Polk