Sister Minors Romantic Beach Getaway

“What…how dare you speak to me in that fashion,” Sister began…
Sister Minor looked at her, shook her head and made to stand, “I knew this wouldn’t work.”
“Wait,” Sister said. “I’m….sorry. Please don’t go.”
“Fine,” Sister Minor sighed. “But I warn you, the next time you speak to me in such a fashion, I’m leaving.”
“Okay, thank you for doing this.”
“Yeah whatever. Look let’s get this done and over with. I still have to do personal chores before bed.”
“The sun has already set, every reasonable person would be retiring for the evening. You’ll have plenty of time to do them tomorrow.”
“You really don’t get it do you?” snapped Sister Minor. “The other Minors and I tend to you and Father from dawn till dusk. The only time we have available to care for ourselves is at night. Now tell me how I can help you, so that I can leave and prepare dinner for Father Minor on the dunes of Corvus Sea.”
“You live on the beach, how romantic…” Sister replied.
“You wouldn’t say that if you lived in a rundown shack that threatens to topple every time the wind blows. Plus the sand gets everywhere. Now we’re done talking about me. Tell me what you want or I’m leaving.”
“Okay, just trying to be friendly.”
“I’m not your friend.”
“Fine have it your way,” Sister replied. “I find myself in a bind and I don’t know what to do. I see only three possible outcomes and neither of them are desirable.”
“You’re referring to the situation dealing with Brother and the upcoming festival.”
“Yes,” Sister replied.
“Forget about Brother and accept your place as a concubine in Crow & Company, that’s my advice,” Sister Minor said, as she rose to leave. “Now if there’s nothing else…”
“I’d rather die.”
Sister Minor rolled her eyes, but sat back down. “Your being a little dramatic over this don’t you think?”
“Okay then what do you propose to do about your situation.”
As I said there are three possibilities. First, I can always do as tradition requires, and enter the service of Crow & Company.”
“But as you said before, you’d rather die,” interrupted Sister Minor. “So that leaves only two possibilities, suicide or whatever Brother has planned. What does he have planned, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“He plans on killing Crow and overthrowing the Company.”
“Huh, well that’s suicide as well.” Sister Minor began…
“And know you know why I’m at a loss on what to do,” Sister replied.
Sister Minor was silent in thought for a moment, “You know there is another solution, you haven’t thought of yet.”
“Oh what is that?”
“You can always runaway.”