Sisters Minor's kindly advice

“Yes, think about it. You can leave and never return. Then you don’t have to go into the service of Crow.”
“But where will I go? Sister asked. “You know that they’d follow me to the end of Corvus, unless of course that is your plan all along.”
“Look, I admit I want you out of my life. But I’m also trying to help you out, so I can sleep well at night.”
“No problem.” Sister Minor replied. “Now have you considered the possibility of going to a different world?”
“Are you talking about the Land of Milk and Honey?” Sister asked. “You know that that’s only a legend.”
“Is it?”
“Okay, let’s assume that this place is real. Do you honestly expect me to steal and pilot a spaceship?”
“You don’t have to,” Sister Minor quietly replied. “There is another legend about a mirror that can transport you to another place...”
“Yes, Father mentioned that there was a way to transport between six different worlds,” interrupted Sister. “Though he told me that that knowledge is forbidden.”
“It is.”
“Sister this is not a joke. I don’t find anything funny about this. Do you want to hear about this or no?”
“Then shut up,” snarled Sister Minor. “Now as I was saying it’s rumored that a mirror from this world connects to a hall and from there you can travel to any of the six of your choosing.”
“And where would this supposed mirror be,” asked Sister.
“It is said that it’s located in the cave of Crow,” Sister Minor replied. “I assume you know how to get there.”
“Yes. It’s the place where the yearly rituals are performed for those who fail the initiate into Crow & Company. That place scares me.”
“Don’t forget about the recent reports of a strange silver man roaming the countryside near the cave’s entrance.”
“Yeah isn’t he supposed to be naked or something?”
“Yes,” Sister Minor replied, rising off the bed. “Now I’ve told you all I know. I need to go and get other things done. If I find in the morning that you have slit your throat, then fine. However if I find you’re still alive, then I’ll assume you have decided to act on my advice and runaway. Either way your secret is safe with me.”