Sister Minors Blue Sea Shells

Sister crossed and uncrossed her legs for what seemed like the one hundredth time. Sister Minor had never seen her like this before. So full of worry, so full of sadness. She wished that there was something she could do, but she dared not speak for Sister was in one of her moods and the outcome was always unpredictable. Besides in two days’ time, Sister would no longer be her problem. Father Minor and her would be free from this madness. Sure they’d still have to serve Father, but he stayed in his laboratory all day working; preferring to be left alone with his test tubes. This suited Sister and Father Minor fine. When on occasion he called on one of them it was usually a simple task and he never threatened the throw them out the window, down the stairs or strap them to a gigantic slingshot and launch them out to sea. No, Father was kind and it was this kindness that had prevented Sister Minor from strangling Sister every time she helped put on one of those exquisite blue sea shell necklaces… the same rare blue shells she had collected over the years and had been forced to sell to feed her and Father Minor. But all of this will be behind her soon and Sister will finally be getting what she deserved.
Sister Minor smiled at this thought as she watched Sister reread the letter Brother had sent. She had been tempted to turn them both in, but Father Minor, who was always the compassionate one, said that, this would be wrong and only invite trouble on all four of them. Sister Minor remained unconvinced, but out of respected Father Minor, she did what he requested..
Sister Minor stifled a yawn, the sky had grown dark and soon she’d be headed home….that’s if Sister would release her on time. Sometimes she forgot and Sister Minor would have to stand there all night. With a slight rap of her knuckles on the wooden end table, she waited as Sister’s head popped up from the letter and turned slightly in the direction of the noise.
“What, your still here?”
“Yes, Sister. You have yet to release me.”
“Okay, gather up the rest of the laundry and you may leave.”
Sister Minor looked around the room. She had taken care of the laundry an hour ago, but she had to take something or else she’d be in trouble. Seeing a throw pillow in the corner, Sister Minor grabbed it and was half way out the door when she heard Sister say, “You must really hate me.”
“No Sister, no one can ever hate you.”
“Don’t lie to me,” Sister barked, then after a moment’s pause she added softly, “Sorry, I’m tired of everyone pampering me with lies. All I want is a listening ear and honest conversation.”
This confession caused Sister Minor to stop and turn towards her. One look at Sister and she knew she couldn’t leave her alone for the night. Groaning, she turned around and closed the heavy oak door. Turning around, she stalked up to Sister, “You want to talk honestly, fine we'll talk honestly, a few things first. Number one, social rank doesn’t apply here. If I’m going to tell you what you need to hear, then you must try and treat me like your equal. Second, if you try to cause trouble for me because of this conversation, remember I have enough information on your illicit romance with Brother to make your life a living hell. Sister you think you have it bad now, when I get done singing, you’d be wishing for this kind of life. Do you understand?”
Sister nodded silently and then almost as an afterthought replied, “Yes.”
“Good,” Sister Minor replied, taking a seat across from Sister, ignoring the frown from her that followed. “First, things first. Everyone thinks you’re a bitch.”
followed. “First, things first. Everyone thinks you’re a bitch.”