An absent minded Puppeteer

Brother told him vague details of his relationship with sister, ending with the current note, and his confusion over its meaning.
“Well Bro, that is quite a story you have, and your confusion is well noted. What male can understand the working of the female mind? I will, however mention that she’s right in saying that this relationship you now have cannot go on for much longer.”
“I know,” Brother replied. “I don’t want to lose her, but I don’t know what to do.”
“Fight for her.”
“Well yeah, but how?”
“What do you mean Bro?”
“How do you propose I fight for Sister? It’s not like I haven’t thought this scenario through my mind, swapping out bits and pieces and viewing every angle to see a solution, short of killing Crow and destroying his company.”
“Well why don’t you Bro?”
“Excuse me?”
“Bro think about it. Crow is flesh and blood like the rest of us. He can be killed, and should be killed. If you love Sister as you claim, then this looks like your only choice.”
“I don’t know; it seems rather fool-hearted. How can one man accomplish the impossible?”
“Because Bro, that one man is not alone; he has his brothers standing beside him.”
“I only have one brother.”
“Bro, give me a few days to plead your case, and I’ll have you an army of brothers.”
“I guess,” Brother replied. “Meanwhile, I’ll write Sister and inform her of our decision.”
“Okay Bro, just don’t tell her our battle plans; you know how women have loose lips.”
“Perhaps the women around here, but not sister.” Brother replied, rising from the bench. “Besides we don’t have any plans yet, do we?”
His question hung unanswered in the stale air. Brother crossed his arms over his chest and asked again, “There are no plans as of yet, right?”
Still there was no answer. Brother bent down and yanked hard on his brother’s long white hair.
“Hey, what’s the idea…. Oh wait you asked a question right….
“Plans made? Yes or no?”
“Nah Bro, you’re going to have to give me a couple of days, like I said. Go write your women. Tell her we have everything under control. Now…I need to get myself something to drink.”
It was at this point Brother left, shaking his head in amazement at his brother’s absentmindedness.