A meeting of Brothers

Brother read and reread the letter trying to grasp its meaning. In one part Sister seemed to be angry, seemed to want to drive him away and in another it seemed that she yearned for him to draw closer. He was confused. Sister was not like any of the women he was use too, she was not like any of the ones he grew up with. She wasn’t blunt and to the point, this excited and scared Brother at the same time.
“Hey Bro, what are you looking at?” a familiar voice cracked in his ear, right before the letter was snatched from his hands.
Brother looked up with a start, and a smile spread across his pale face, “Your late again brother.”
“Can’t be helped. My hobbies keep my pretty busy.”
“Maybe you should take up watching making as one of your hobbies,” Brother replied, brushing a strand of black hair from his face. “Then at least you’ll have an idea of what time it is.”
“Hush Bro, I’m snooping into your love life.”
“Okay, enough of that.” Brother replied, ripping the letter out of his hands. “You called this meeting, now what do you want?”
“What Bro, can’t one schedule a meeting to see his younger brother?”
“No not when you’re wanted by the authorities for being involved with rebels. You have to be careful. You need to keep a low profile.”
“Oh you mean like you, chasing after the chemist daughter. One who is several classes above you. Tell me, does she know of your social standing? Does she know that our father and mother were tried for practicing Wizardry and thrown out of society as a result of it?”
“No. She knows little of my past and nothing of you.”
“And you prefer to keep it that way? Are you ashamed of your own flesh and blood? Are you ashamed to embrace your legacy?”
“No,” Brother replied with a long exasperated sigh. “The opportune time has yet to present itself. As for my legacy… I left that behind me as you very well know. It is after all what killed our parents.”
“Have it your way Bro, I believe that in time you will come to embrace the powers passed down to you, as I have. But for now, tell me about this high class lady of yours.”