Feet pounding the stone pavement.
‘I can’t believe that Daughter would betray me like this,’ Father thought to himself, as his feet pounded the stone pavement. ‘She must...

From the Desk of Brother Tobias
Official records hold little in the way of what happened to Sister Minor or Father Minor. To be honest I’m surprised that they had gotten...

A Mysterious Lady With Hair Full Of Silver
She walks through the night Her hair silvered by the moons light She knows where she’s going It’s a place she’s never been to before Her...

Sister Minors End Part 1
Opening the door, she hesitantly walked in. The room was dark save for the middle where a dim yellow light swayed from the opening of the...

George the man eating tree
Sister folded the letter, placed it in the envelope and sealed it with wax. Carefully laying the letter down on the edge of the vanity,...

Let's runaway
Sister resumes writing: Runaway with me to a land faraway One that flow with milk and honey Together we’ll escape this unhappy tragedy We...

Sister weighs her options
After Sister Minor had left, Sister sat in front of the mirror, and stared at her tear streaked face weighing her options. ‘Should she...

Sisters Minor's kindly advice
“Runaway?” “Yes, think about it. You can leave and never return. Then you don’t have to go into the service of Crow.” “But where will I...

Sister Minors Romantic Beach Getaway
“What…how dare you speak to me in that fashion,” Sister began… Sister Minor looked at her, shook her head and made to stand, “I knew this...

Sister Minors Blue Sea Shells
Sister crossed and uncrossed her legs for what seemed like the one hundredth time. Sister Minor had never seen her like this before. So...