George the man eating tree

Sister folded the letter, placed it in the envelope and sealed it with wax. Carefully laying the letter down on the edge of the vanity, she crawled into bed, pulling the heavy goose feather blanket up to her chin. ‘Tomorrow, I’ll have Sister Minor deliver the message to Brother,’ Sister murmured to herself as she drifted off to dreams of land made of milk and honey.
The next morning, Sister woke late to find Sister Minor bustling around the room cleaning. “I have a letter for you to deliver to Brother.”
“I took the liberty of delivering it early to Brother and expressed the urgency of the matter.” Sister Minor replied. “I hope you don’t mind, but I need to leave early to see Father Major, he has some errands for me too run before the day is out.”
“No, I don’t mind.” Sister replied. “As long as you’ve done all your work here.”
“Yes, I’m finished.” Sister Minor replied with a role of her eyes. “Oh and I put the dagger back in the drawer. No need to give anyone the wrong impression.”
With a slight smile, Sister Minor curtsied and exited Sister’s room. Heading down the hall, she walked down the narrow stone stairs, her right calloused fingers running along the edge of the rough stone that made up the wall. She always liked the sensation, the tingling feeling she got from doing this. In some odd way, it made her feel more alive. Reaching the end of the stairs, she made her way through the main garden that was filled with exotic poisonous plants that Father Major used on a daily basis for his experiments. Sister Minor cast a glance to the far side of the garden where a man eating tree dubbed George was feasting on its latest snack. ‘Father Major must be in a bad mood,’ Sister Minor thought with a shiver. ‘I better hurry, unless I want to become George’s second meal.’ Picking up her pace, Sister Minor quickly reached the other side of the garden, jumped down the few remaining stairs to the basement and rapped her knuckles against the solid oak door.
“Enter,” Father Major’s voice boomed from within.