Feet pounding the stone pavement.

‘I can’t believe that Daughter would betray me like this,’ Father thought to himself, as his feet pounded the stone pavement. ‘She must have been under that boy’s spell and when she is faced with reason, she’ll change her mind and accept her role in Crow &Company. If not then she’d have to pay the cost. But no, I must not think like that, she’ll see reason and fall in line, like any good daughter. All she has to do is turn over the boy and Master will forgive us, he’ll accept us back and Daughter will be spared from the curse. He promised.
Slowing his pace, Father let Daughter pull ahead. It wouldn’t do to be spotted. He felt guilty following her like this, but that was part of the agreement with Master. She was never be out of his sight. Feeling the bulge of the Colt 45 pressed against his stomach, an enforcer to ensure Brothers compliance, the cold sting of the steel numbed him to the core. His heart leapt in his chest like a jack hammer, at the thought of doing what must be done if they refused to comply.
Daughter turned the corner and headed for a long steel building, the leather brown knapsack that he had gotten her on the day Mother had ‘disappeared’ bounced on the small of her back. Hugging the corner Father watched as she turned the handle to the factory door and slip silently in. A few minutes later, Father followed pulling the pistol from his waist band in preparation of what he might find inside.