Sister Minors End Part 1

Opening the door, she hesitantly walked in. The room was dark save for the middle where a dim yellow light swayed from the opening of the door, casting shadows around the room. Sister Minor gulped. ‘Something is wrong here,’ her mind screamed. ‘Leave now’. Turning to go, she smacked into a wizened old man who had silently slipped in behind her. He stunk of vinegar and Desitin cream. “I’m afraid you’re not going anywhere.” He wheezed in a raspy voice. “We have some questions for you.”
Sister Minor backed up slowly, “Who are you?”
“I’m your master,” the old man replied taking a step forward.
“No you are not,” Sister Minor replied pulling a knife from the small of her back. Brandishing it in her right hand, she lunged forward. “Father Majors my master.”
“Oh you are quite mistaken, worm.” He sneered as his hand clamped down on hers, stopping the knife inches from his stomach. “I’m his master. All who serve him, serve me.”
Sister Minor tried to break free, but his grip was iron clad. She had no choice but to drop the knife. “My you’re a feisty one,” he said pulling her in close so that his stench drenched her skin. “My guards will have fun with you.”
“Shall we get going, my master,” said a voice from the darkness, a voice that was all too familiar to Sister Minor.
The old man released his grip and watched with amusement as she scrambled towards Father Majors voice. “Yes, let’s begin,” he replied.
Father Major stepped out of the shadows as Sister Minor fell on her knees a few feet from him. Frowning he stepped forward, so that he was towering over her. Grasping his pant leg, she begged, “Father Major, have mercy. Spare my life, I have done no wrong.”
Bending down, he lifted her to her feet, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, you betrayed me. You must be punished. How severely is up to you.”
“What…what are you going to do to me,” Sister Minor stammered.
“We need to ask you a few question about Sister’s correspondence with Brother,” Father Major replied as he lightly pushed Sister Minor back towards the center of the room. Tapping a red button on a square watch strapped to his wrist, he backed up as the middle of the floor slid open and a stone chair with ancient markings of Crow &Company clanked to the surface.
An invisible force grabbed a hold Sister Minor and slammed her into the seat of the chair. Stone restraints flashed from either side of the arm rest and clicked into place, while a single piece slid itself around her legs. She struggled, but found she could not move. A blue electric wave washed over her,
“When she awakes,” Father said to the old man as he approached. “We’ll begin.”
“Good,” the old man cackled as he rubbed his hands together. “Good.”