The first of four blogs: Summary.
The next three blogs will be composed of the rest of chapter thirty four. To give a clear background on what has been going on in the...

An authors reflection on a doomed character
Journal Entry 330 Have you ever wondered why certain things must happen in the course of a story line? Whether you are reading the story...

Nosos Man of disease
Nosos Man of disease Hear our cry Come down from your poison tree Grace us with your morbid presence Embrace us with your infectious...

Frosty the Snowman. Innocent childhood fantasy?
12/19/2014 Saint Jude Hospital for the certainly, mentally insane. 7th floor, 2nd door to your own. To Our Illustrious Governor who has...

The rights of every American citizen.
As promised, I’m continuing with the topics that I had started discussing last week and look to conclude in this next coming week. Today,...

Journal Entry 298. Protest in peace, please.
Journal Entry 298 If one where to listen to the news and all that has been going on in the country in the past few weeks; one would come...

Villanlle- Symphony's song
Come now boys, come hear my song Drain your glasses, now slam them down Come now boys, come sing along Raise your voices to show you’re...
First video
First video. Since the sound is not the good, the text is listed below. Chapter 25 Fight at the Coliseum A roar rose from the spectators...

Chapter 13: Tim’s adventure
Pre-scene. The lights in night sky dimmed as Nosos and the old man took seats at opposite ends of the stage; each waiting for his chance...

Novemeber is Nanowrimo(National Novel Writing Month). The idea is that writers will sit down and attemt to write a novel in a month...