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First video. Since the sound is not the good, the text is listed below.

Chapter 25

Fight at the Coliseum

A roar rose from the spectators as two heavy, wooden gates opened; one on either side of the coliseum, and two slim men were thrown in. Just then a round ring was lowered into the middle by thin, silver wires from the ceiling. Picking themselves up, they approached the center and climbed into the round ring. They waited while an announcer crackled through a loudspeaker overhead:

“In the right side of the ring stands fabulous Mincea in a pink polka dot dress, weighing in at 210 pounds. Fighting for the honor of his wife, Shola. And in the left side of the ring, stands Natalee the wonderful in a rainbow dress, weighing in at 200 pounds. Fighting for the honor of his wife, Crayola. Let the fight begin.

With that a bell sounded and the two men began to circle the ring hurling insults at each other like, “Your father was a whore,” and “Yeah, well at least I didn’t roll in horse dung before I came here.” When they had circled to a point that they were close to each other, Mincea slapped Natalee, and Natalee followed suit. Soon they just stood there slapping each other.

A boo rose from the crowd. In an effort to keep the audience entertained, the loud speakers crackled to life again, and the announcer’s voice boomed:

It is my pleasure to announce the second round of competition.. Entering in through the right gate is Bobeta the Hungry, in an oversized tutu. Weighing in at 8.3ft and 600 pounds; he is sure to please and honor his wife, Symphony… The announcer paused briefly for dramatic effect. And entering through the left gate is Hecums the Pain, in tight, leather pants and a frilly, black shirt. Weighing in at 8.2ft and 500 pounds; he continually brings honor to his wife and our Empress, Velsa.

Another roar rose from the crowd as the two giants lumbered, slowly towards the ring. Mincea and Natalee had stopped slapping each other. They were now huddling together in the far corner, crying, after hearing the ferocious roar of the approaching giants.

Just then two well-oiled chainsaws dropped from the ceiling- at their feet. Standing up, Mincea picked up one of the chainsaws with his thumb and index finger. He held it as far away as he could, for fear that the oil would get all over his pink dress. Throwing it away, he went back to huddling in the corner with Natalee; watching and shivering with fear, as the two giants drew ever closer. And closer. Just as they reached the ring; two big, grey purses filled with bricks fell down from the ceiling. Seizing this chance, Natalee jumped out from the corner, grabbed one of the purses and ran straight towards Bobeta.

Jumping up on the ropes, he sprung himself off and through the air. He swung the purse as hard as he could at Bobeta’s head; as circular saw blades popped out from either side of the bag, and began spinning dangerously. Following suit, Mincea grabbed the other purse and headed towards Hecums. The crowd went wild as both giants received gashing wounds on their foreheads.

Jabbing the old man sharply in the ribs, Nosos inclined his head towards the exit and mouthed silently, “Time to go.” Nodding his head in agreement, the old man followed Nosos’ lead, as they made their way, bent over, towards the exit.

Reaching the exit without incident, for the fight now had really taken off, they made their way down the stairs and towards the outer wall.

“So far, so good,” whispered the old man. “Where do you think this museum is located?”

“I don’t know,” whispered Nosos in reply. “I do know that we have to find it and quick.”

Just then, a jeweled hand reached out from the shadow of the wall, and grabbed the old man by the shoulder.

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