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Journal Entry 298. Protest in peace, please.

Journal Entry 298

If one where to listen to the news and all that has been going on in the country in the past few weeks; one would come to the conclusion that there is something clearly wrong with not only our justice system, but with the other forms of government as well.

From having a healthcare law that is being shoved down our throats, race riots in Ferguson, Missouri, to having Christian rights being violated in the private business sector. One may wonder what is coming next. To be quite sure I really can’t answer that question- nor will I attempt to. What I do intend to do however in the next few minutes is to encourage people to stop and consider the facts of every situation as it comes up, rather than to jump to irrational conclusions. To be clear, I don’t support either Democratic or republican and rather see myself as an independent.

Let’s begin with the Ferguson riots. Now it is the right of every American to engage in peaceful protests but I personally feel that it would have been best if they weighed the evidence of the case before hitting the streets. But this rarely happens given that people react more on emotion than sound intelligent thought (myself included). At the very least I beg my fellow Americans that if you do go out and protest before the facts of the situation are brought to light by a credible source; that you do so within the letter of the law. Keep it calm and peaceful. Not only will it possess the ability to lighten the tension, it will also go a long way in showing the general public that you’re willing to work on a resolution and that your cause may well be worth considering. And whatever the outcome is, please respect that decision. If you feel that the outcome is wrong and unjust, then please continue with the protesting; however please don’t let it turn to violence.

Since I have gone on a little longer on this first topic, than what I had originally intended. I’ll round this post off here and continue with the other two topics next week. As always I look forward to your comments; which can be left in the comment section on the bottom of the blog page.

And now for a bit of advertisement. Water Lily Pond which has been a long time in coming, is now available for sale at . Please feel free to check it out, leave a review and if you like what you; please spread the word to your friends.


Richard Polk

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