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The first of four blogs: Summary.

The next three blogs will be composed of the rest of chapter thirty four. To give a clear background on what has been going on in the third world up to the point where Symphony sings her song; with the end result of starting a bar fight, and being thrown out of the bar by Danny and then being sent on a mission to retrieve the silver poker chip. I’m including a brief summary that’ll give an account of the events leading up to that point.

Upon entering the third world through the mirror into the third world, Danny, Nosos, Tinnese, the old man and Symphony go and search for the nearest place of civilization. They reason that this is the best way of finding information about the next key. Upon finding that they have been followed shortly after they had started out; Nosos had Danny lead the Crow’s soldiers on a wild goose chase. By throwing the other four a short distance over the tall, dry grass; they eliminated their trail, which gave them the chance to run to the nearest town.

Upon their arrival to the town (Danny had rejoined them a few hours previous), they talked to a herdsman who informed them that the person to talk to was the old, card dealer, and that he could be found at the Dead Man’s Hand. Arriving at the saloon, they find that it cost twenty-five gold pieces to play a game of poker. Nosos considers trading in his Colt 45 to the local gunsmith to pay the price for the game. It’s about this time that he notices the money bag Symphony had hidden up her sleeve (they had taken it from her previously, but she had stolen it back).

She agreed to help fund them as long as she was allowed to remain in possession of the bag. Nosos decided that it was in their best interest that he trade in the pistol, anyway, for some more modern weapons. He sends the old man and Tinnese to accomplish this task.

Well, this summary completes this week’s blog. Next week, the first section of the three- week blog will begin. As always, feel free to leave your comment and suggestions in the comment section located on the bottom of the blog page. If you haven’t already checked out Water Lily Pond; please do so. It is available for sale on Amazon. The link is located in the “my book” section of the website home page.


Richard M Polk

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