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Novemeber is Nanowrimo(National Novel Writing Month). The idea is that writers will sit down and attemt to write a novel in a month (50,000 words). This may seem like and immposible task and I encourage all who are interestd in writing to take a crack at it. If you feel that this is unrealistic for you and would insted prefer to write on a project that your currently working on then that is fine as well. I know that I'm personally working on the same novel that I've been working on for some time since I have a bit of an obession with it. I'm still keeping word count of how much I've written for that day. This provides me with the modivation that I need to push myself beyond my comfort zone.

Now if you don't write and your abilites are in signing or digital media( as most of my friends are) then I encourage you to challenge yourself in your craft. Do something creative and unexpected(like walking backwards on your hands through a crowded sidewalk-stay off the streets though becasue that can be dangerous). Whatever you decide to do, do it with all your might, mind and soul.


Richard M polk

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