Pride comes before a fall. Part 2
As the door popped open Jillian was met with utter silence. The entire space station seemed deserted. This was not what she expected, it...

Pride comes before a fall. Part 1
Carefully steering the nose of the shuttle towards the space station, Jillian couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have made it this...

Jillian and the major cheese festival part 6
“So let me get this straight,” Spooky meowed, after hearing Jillian’s two theories on why the space station initially failed, “You...
Jillian and the major cheese festival Part 5
With a start Jillian’s eyes snapped open to find that dawn was slowly beginning to creep over the horizon. Quietly getting up, so as not...

Jillian and the major cheese Festivals Part 4
That night, Jillian saw narrator again in her dreams. She was standing in a long poorly lit corridor and as the rain came thundering...
Jillian and the major Cheese Festivals Part 3
On the night before the festival, Jillian was having dinner with Spooky as was their usual routine, though tonight was different from the...

Jillian and the Major Cheese Festivals Part 2
As Jillian suspected, nothing happened at the Seattle Cheese Festival… in fact there wasn’t even a peep of anything happening in May. But...

Jillian and the Major Cheese Festivals Part 1
Over the next couples of weeks, information was gathered concerning the Hydrogen cheese bombs. At first there wasn’t much to report, only...