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Pride comes before a fall. Part 1

Carefully steering the nose of the shuttle towards the space station, Jillian couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have made it this far. To this date, Jillian had numerous scrapes with death and had always managed to come up on top. She wasn’t entirely sure if it was pure luck or if she was just that good. Purring slightly to herself, Jillian determined that she must be that good. “After all, everything has been going well with the business after I too back over, true I had a bit of a downer for a bit, but that is to be expected when your lover goes missing for about half a year or more.” Jillian meowed to herself. “I’m the best at what I do and no one will ever topple me.”

As Meowolf came into focus, Jillian beamed with pride. The upgrades her company did improved the space station 100-110% and it was all done under her careful paw. ‘Control is power’ Jillian thought to herself and ‘Power is necessary to ensure control.’

With a sharp clunk, the nose of the shuttle connected with Meowolf. Quickly checking over the controls, Jillian clicked the yellow and green button combo and smiled with joy when the Emergency docking procedure flashed on the screen. “I’m glad I actually read the entire safety manual.” Jillian meowed as she waited for the safety door to engage. “Not that I couldn’t have figured it out on my own, but it always better to be safe than sorry.”

As the hiss from the doors subsided, Jillian turned the handle to the hatch, not knowing what she’d find on the other side.

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