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Jillian and the Major Cheese Festivals Part 2

As Jillian suspected, nothing happened at the Seattle Cheese Festival… in fact there wasn’t even a peep of anything happening in May. But as the month drew to a close, information started pouring in from around the globe that something big was going to happen in Canada around the first week of June. As to where that was unknown …Smiling, Jillian put down the intelligence report and purred softly to herself. At last things seem to be speeding up and she felt a buzz of excitement run through her body.

Pulling out her list of the festivals that were happening in 2018, Jillian saw that one festival fell into the early month of June. Opening her Red Pentium Flyer Laptop, she googled the information she had on the Canadian Cheese Festival. When the page popped up, Jillian saw that the event had been canceled and in its stead was a Market Place Festival. This event was scheduled to take place on June 7th, right smack in the time predict by their agents. “Well, I don’t know about this place, but still, I should inform the others about this possible breakthrough,” Jillian meowed softly to herself.

Calling Spooky in, Jillian briefed him on the latest developments, tasking him with the responsibility of informing the others. Yawning, Jillian decided to take a half day and go find a nice mouse to batt around. Packing up her briefcase, Jillian left instructions with Spooky to give everyone a half day (including himself)... After all, it was a nice slow day around the office, a rarity that Jillian knew wouldn’t last.


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