Jillian and the major cheese festival part 6

“So let me get this straight,” Spooky meowed, after hearing Jillian’s two theories on why the space station initially failed, “You believe that the rats are going to be somehow using the space station to achieve their goal of world domination by turning everyone to cheese?”
“I know that it may sound a little crazy,” Jillian meowed. “But to me this seems like the most plausible answer as to why the Meowolf was attacked in the first place.”
“Only a little crazy?” Spooky meowed lightheartedly, as Jillian turned down the road that led into her business.
“Okay, I admit it’s pretty off the wall, but you have to agree that there is a very good chance that this is what happened.” Jillian meowed, as she showed her credentials to the security guard.
“I’ll admit that it’s a possibility,” Spooky meowed as the guard handed Jillian back her card and waved her through.
Jillian sighed.
“Okay, here is the deal that I’ll make with you.” Spooky meowed, sensing Jillian’s building frustration. “Let’s check everything out and if there warrants further action. Then we take it, otherwise we stick with the original plan.”
“That’s what my plan was the whole time,” Jillian hissed, giving Spooky a dirty look.
“I understand,” Spooky hastily meowed. “All I’m saying is that we have to check everything thoroughly, instead of going off half-cocked,”
“Agreed.” Jillian meowed,
A half an hour later, Jillian called Spooky over to her as she pulled up a set of specs. “You see here, when the second Meowolf was launched into space it included a set of disco light lasers that added a much needed improvement to the cat disco dance floor.”
“Yes, now I remember,” Spooky meowed, looking over Jillian’s shoulder. “The dogs thought this was a waste of resources, but eventually gave in after we promised to build a sniff and pee trail along the outer perimeter of the station. You know how they love their walks.”
“Yes, dogs are weird that way” Jillian meowed in response. “However it says here that if these laser are turned downwards it is theorized that they can transmute things that they come into contact with.”
“So basically if you combine the explosion of cheese and the lasers together, it’ll change whatever is in its path to cheese.” Spooky meowed in response.
“Yes, that sounds about right.” Jillian meowed in response.
“Well then it’s good there is only one satellite then.” Spooky meowed in response.
“Well, that’s not entirely true,” Jillian replied. “Meowolf is the main satellite, but there are five satellites in its control.”
“So then there are six satellites in all,” Spooky meowed in disbelief. “We don’t have the manpower to cover all six as well as have enough cats on the ground.”
“No, but that doesn’t matter.” Jillian meowed in response, “Meowolf controls them all. I can shut down all the lasers from the control center of Meowolf.”
“So what does this mean now,” Spooky meowed.
“It means that I’m going back in space.” Jillian meowed.